Many scientists now spend much of their professional lives writing and maintaining software.
Simulate things that can't be studied in laboratories.
Analyze problems that are too complex for traditional means.
Computers are as important to scientists as telescopes and test tubes.
John Scopes, and everyone else with the courage to fight for the idea that the truth is more important than doctrine.
The many people who commented on this material, and suggested ways to improve it:.
YesLogic, for generously donating licenses for Prince (their XML-to-PDF converter).
Brent Gorda, who helped create the first version of this course.
Its Department of Computer Science, for giving me a home, and making me feel welcome.
The University of Toronto, for letting me test this version of this course on its students.
The Python Software Foundation, for the grant that made this work possible.
Functions, Libraries, and the File System.
Please use the links included with the slides to provide comments and feedback.
These notes are part of a course on software development skills for scientists and engineers being prepared by Greg Wilson for the Python Software Foundation.